

Differential Mutation Analysis 

Differential Mutation Analysis Differential mutation analysis is a framework that uncovers cancer genes by comparing the mutational profiles of genes across cancer genomes with their natural germl...


Mutability Analysis & Interpretation

What is mutability ? Mutability in simple terms describes the observed rate of a given position to change (or mutate). Frequency of change is calculated by a job called “Mutation-Call-Binom9...


Genomic Variation in NGS Data: Practical

What are Genomics Variations ? Genomic variation explains some of the differences among people, such as eye color and blood group, as well as whether a person has a higher or lower risk for gettin...


ChIP-Seq Analysis

ChIP-Seq Analysis ChIP-Seq, or chromatin immunoprecipitation sequencing, is a technique that performs analysis of transcriptome data generated by next-generation sequencing technologies or by...