Projects and Tutorials

Differential Expression
Document Video

Differential Gene Expression: Bulk RNA Seq with DESEQ2 on the T-BioInfo Platform (Getting Started)

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In this tutorial, you will: * Learn how to run a differential gene expression analysis at the end of a standard RNA-Seq pipeline on the T-BioInfo Platform. * Dataset used for pipeline: Humanized mice with implanted breast tumors samples (PDX cancer project). * Objective: First generate gene expression tables from the raw RNA-seq reads and then perform differential gene expression analysis with DESEQ2. * Pipeline Workflow: Start → Trimmomatic → PCR Clean → Bowtie2-t → RSemExpTable → DESEQ2 → End. Reference Resources Used In Video Tutorial: * Course 5: Transcriptomics - * Patient Derived Xenograft Models - * T-BioInfo Platform -